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Saint Patrick’s Day

Lá fhéile Pádraig sona dhuit! Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!
Saint Patrick’s Day is an Irish holiday celebrated on the 17th of March each year. In Ireland this date is a national holiday – schools and workplaces are closed and parades of all sizes are held in every city and small town.
Historically Ireland was a very religious Catholic country. Saint Patrick is Ireland’s patron saint because he was responsible for bringing Christianity to the island. He is also credited with introducing the shamrock as an important Irish symbol by associating it with the Holy Trinity, and he is said to have preformed a number of miracles such as banishing all of Ireland’s snakes into the sea!
Over the years Ireland experienced a mass immigration of millions of people due to poverty and famine. This has created a large Irish diaspora and resulted in worldwide Saint Patrick’s Day is celebrations. Today it is more commonly known as ‘Paddy’s Day’ and many Irish people and those with Irish ancestry celebrate their Irish heritage by wearing green and having more than a few drinks!
In the Irish language whiskey is called ‘uisce beatha’ which translates to – ‘water of life’. Check out this recipe for hot whiskey that uses just lemon, cloves, whiskey, hot water, and optional brown sugar. Best enjoyed in moderation!
The Irish language is called Gaeilge and you can learn some for free via Duolingo.
For anyone who missed out on the sourdough craze last year our Irish Soda Bread Recipe might be appealing as it is a much more simply made type of bread.
Ireland has a vibrant music scene, and there are many Spotify playlists where you can listen to both modern and traditional Irish music depending on your music tastes: Breath of Fresh Eire, New Eire, Alternative Eire, Irish Folk Ballads, Irish Folk, 50 Irish Folks Songs, Traditional Irish Music, Irish Pub Songs, and many more!
Ireland has many myths, legends, and old fairy tales that would be best described as ghost stories. Irish poet and Nobel Prize winner W.B. Yeats catalogued these stories in his book ‘Irish Fairy and Folk Tales’ which is available at Vancouver Public Library.
Ireland’s national broadcaster RTÉ has a website which houses the countries largest collection of audiovisual archival materials. Check it out if you are interested in seeing some old fashioned Saint Patrick’s Day celebrations.