Phone: 604-683-2554 | Email:
- We give food program participants the option to let us know of dietary restrictions in advance so that we can try to accommodate them.
- Water is available in foyer

Physical Spaces
- We have an elevator for access to the second floor program spaces
- Our elevator cab, common corridors, and program room doors provide adequate clearance for wheelchairs or mobility devices
- We have a wheelchair accessible washroom on the first floor, complete with grab bars, and baby change table. The design is compliant with the 2014 Building Access Handbook
- Our reception desk has a lowered section for interacting with persons in wheelchairs or mobility devices
- We have tactile warning surfaces and high contrast finishes to assist the visually impaired
- We have a cane detection railing under our staircase to assist the visually impaired
- Bike racks are available outside the Gordon Neighbourhood House
- Event participants are encouraged to reduce the use of scented products such as colognes or perfumes
- Meditation & Prayer: We are happy to provide a quiet space for meditation and prayer

- Eligibility to use any gendered space or service is defined by self-identity, not sex assigned at birth or how others read an individual’s gender expression
- Identification is not required to participate in any program at Gordon Neighbourhood House
- Most of our programs and initiatives are under $5 or are based on the Pay-What-You-Can model
- Volunteers are often able to participate in events for free