Phone: 604-683-2554 | Email:
The West End Family Place is a drop-in program for children and their parents or caregivers. The program features a variety of activities that promote healthy child development such as circle time with songs and stories, free play, arts and crafts, and parenting resources.
Mondays @ 9:00-11:30AM (Families & Caregivers)
Tuesdays @ 9:00-11:30AM (Families Only)
Wednesdays @ 9:00-11:30AM (Families & Caregivers)
Wednesdays @ 1:00-3:00PM (Families Only)
Fridays @ 9:30-11:30AM (Families Only)
Saturday* @ 10:00AM-12:00PM (Families Only)
*1st Saturday of every month
Cost: Free
For general questions you can contact our front desk at or 604-683-2554. For specific information you can contact Isabel at or 604-683-2554.