New Look Planned for Gordon Neighbourhood House

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For many years, Gordon Neighbourhood House has offered West Enders a welcoming environment and a variety of services and programs. But the building is getting old and it’s due for an upgrade. Paul Taylor, Executive Director at Gordon Neighbourhood House, has been working with funders to secure funds to upgrade the space to give it a “revitalized physical presence” for the community so that “all of our neighbours are proud to call Gordon Neighbourhood House their neighbourhood house.”

Perkins+Will, an international design firm, has been supporting the facelift by providing pro bono design and research support to the project. Alex Minard, Senior Associate at Perkins+Will, hopes to make Gordon Neighbourhood House stand out by creating enough visual interest on the exterior to spark curiosity. ”Little Band-Aid solutions are not enough,” he says. “The project requires a holistic look at improving the entire building to make it a comfortable, welcoming environment that allows [neighbours] to feel supported and connected with their community.”

Linda Minamimaye (Director of Operations) has been with Gordon Neighbourhood House for 33 years -ever since the old design was brand new – and is excited about the upcoming changes. She thinks the facelift will make Gordon Neighbourhood House more inviting, and that bright new colours will help make it feel as vibrant as the programs and initiatives.

Linda Rubuliak, Manager of YMCA Connections and active community member, hopes the facelift will make optimal use of Gordon Neighbourhood House and ensure that everyone feels welcome and comfortable, and at the same time reinforce its role as “a key hub in the community, building on its existing programs and services.”

This is an exciting time for Gordon Neighbourhood House and the West End community.

Written by Soroush Moghaddam
GNH Community Journalist/Blogger 

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