Vegetable Stock Recipe

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by Joey

Cook Time: 1.5 hours

Traditionally, making vegetable stock at home involves using whole onions, carrots, celery and herbs that you buy and sift into the compost bin once their flavor has infused into the broth.

Here is a low-cost and low-waste alternative to making stock using vegetable scraps, peels and stalks. It requires little work, just some simmering time and freezer space:

1)Every time you cook, save your vegetable peels, stalks and tops in a container or bag (I use yogurt containers) and store it in the freezer. I save pretty much everything but pepper and squash seeds, and of course anything that’s spoiled.

2) Once your container is full, put your scraps into a large pot with enough water to just cover the scraps. Optionally, you can add a pinch of salt and 2 bay leaves.

3) Bring up to a boil. Then turn down to low-medium heat and simmer for ~1.5 hours. You can add a lid but keep it ajar.

4) Once done, strain and let cool. Vegetable stock stores really well in the freezer. Refrigerate for up to 7-10 days.

Nutritional info: Vegetable peels and stalks actually contain a lot of the vegetable’s nutrients. If you’re worried about pesticides on peels of conventional vegetables, consult this guide to find out which vegetables to leave out of your stockpile.

Meat eaters only: If you eat meat, save your bones! It will give your stock a wonderful flavor and a dose of minerals (phosphorus, magnesium, potassium), electrolytes and collagen that help with cell repair and function.

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