Food Access Community Survey

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What do rising costs of living, a lack of affordable housing, and changes in transportation routes have in common?

They all have an impact on food access, and we want to better understand how West End community members have been affected.

With the support of the Vancouver Foundation, we are identifying an approach to food security that is uniquely West End. We are collaborating with neighbours, partner organizations and businesses to build on the distinct strengths of our neighbourhood and articulate a strategy that works for us.

To start building this strategy, we want to hear from you about what topics we should focus on. Spend 5 minutes filling out our survey and enter to win a $100 grocery gift card! Your thoughts will shape the ways we work towards keeping our community fed. You can fill out our survey by clicking here.

If you have any questions about the project or want to get involved, please reach out to

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Articles: 211