Happy Diwali!

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Friends and neighbours celebrate Diwali at Gordon Neighbourhood House.

Diwali, also known as the festival of lights, is one of the largest celebrations in India. Gordon Neighbourhood House hosted an annual Diwali celebration with friends and neighbours to mark the occasion. West End residents Geetanjali Joshi and Dan Viragh co-hosted the event with funding provided by the Neighbourhood Small Grants program.

The celebration included a paper mandala quilling workshop, followed by food, and a chanting circle. The building was decorated for the occasion with handmade thoran patterns, and lit up with string lights. The celebration concluded with the lighting of traditional ‘diyas’ (clay lamps), and Diwali sweets.

Neighbours Geetanjali Joshi and Dan Viragh lead a traditional chanting circle.
Gordon Neighbourhood House Community Advisory Board Co-Chair Mash Salehomoum lights a traditional clay diya oil lamp.

May light guide your way this Diwali, and all year round!

GNH Admin
GNH Admin
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