Phone: 604-683-2554 | Email:
Neighbors and Individual Donors
For individuals wondering how they can make a meaningful contribution to our community, consider a small one-time contribution or monthly donation to fund a child to attend summer camp, a holiday food hamper for a local family, or a seniors’ meal.
Businesses and Groups
For groups interested in sponsoring a community event, such as a cultural celebration or outdoor clean-up event, we offer basic sponsorship opportunities starting at $500. Sponsorships include logo placements on promotional materials, dedicated social media recognition, and acknowledgment at the event.
Organizations and Corporations
For organizations seeking greater visibility and an exclusive branding opportunity, consider sponsoring one of our flagship community events. These gatherings (such as our winter celebration or seniors’ holiday meals) are much-anticipated community events and attract hundreds of participants. Special event sponsorship starts at $2,000, and we will work with you to design an impactful recognition strategy that aligns with your mission and goals.
If you want to make a long-lasting contribution to our community, consider setting up a monthly donation. Scheduled donations provide non-profit organizations with a stable income, reduced fundraising costs, and enhanced program sustainability, resulting in an overall greater impact.
Please contact us to discuss sponsorship and collaboration opportunities.
(604) 683-2554
Gordon Neighbourhood House is a proud member of the Association of Neighbourhood Houses of BC (ANHBC), a registered, charitable society (CRA# 10673 2969RR0001).
Mailing Address:
Gordon Neighbourhood House
1019 Broughton Street
Vancouver, BC