GNH team standing in front of the house
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Our People

Community Board

Our Community Board plays a vital role in shaping the future of Gordon Neighbourhood House. By voting on key decisions, the board ensures that our organization’s vision and strategy are aligned with the needs of our community. Board members actively collaborate, bringing together diverse ideas and perspectives to identify new opportunities and initiatives. Their guidance and leadership help us continually evolve, ensuring that our programs and services remain relevant and impactful for everyone we serve.


Linda Minamimaye

Operations Director

Jim Balakshin

Director of Community Development

Jessy Scaria

Director of Family Programs

Yoshiko Nonaka

Registered Clinical Counsellor

Jenn Mason

Seniors’ Program Coordinator


Helena Beca

Out of School Care, Supervisor

Anfisa Ezuta

Family Programs

Jordan Bultitude

Food Justice & Poverty Reduction Analyst

Luca Schifano

Community Cook

Arlette Akayezu

Adminstratve Assistant

Yuliia Ksienda

Settlement Worker