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Ode To An Orange

Eating an orange is a delicious source of vitamin C that also benefits your skin and immune system, plus this fruit makes some tasty juices and desserts.
The BC Food History Blog writes about how the mandarin orange became a Canadian winter holiday staple thanks to the influence of Japanese immigrants.
As well as being a great stocking filler, oranges can be crafted into a variety of wildlife friendly and biodegradable seasonal decorations.

You can modify the instructions in this Birdseed Ornament blog post by leaving the mixture to set inside an orange rind instead of a cookie cutter. (Check out these tips from BCSPCA on feeding backyard birds, and birding in BC for what seeds to feed birds in this region).

You can DIY a festive holiday aroma in your home simply by studding an orange with cloves to create a natural and long lasting scent. These are called ‘pomander balls’ and were used by medieval European herbalists.
You can create colourful garlands using slices of oranges that are dried out slowly in the oven. At the end of the season these orange garlands can be stored away and used again next year.
Check out the instruction and illustrations below from community member who gives great tips on using spices and mulled wine leftovers to colour your garlands naturally!

This year we are inviting neighbours to join us in decorating the parklet in front of Gordon House with their crafted wildlife friendly decorations. Feel free to drop by anytime and add your creations to the trees in front of the building! All we ask is that you please respect others by wearing a mask and keeping a safe distance.
This resource on wildlife friendly winter decorations has been done in partnership with the Park People. Please check out their website and Facebook for more information on all of the cool things that they do.