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Drag Story Hour at the Family Place!

A magical Drag Story Hour led by two special artists, Carrie Oki Doki and Count Caligula von Cupid, was filled with joy, music, lots of laughter, self-love, and diversity. Families got to experience a very special performance with dancing and singing, as well as an interactive story time where the artists read books dedicated to learning more about Pride, gender diversity, and love. This was an amazing opportunity to come together as a community and celebrate Family Pride alongside our neighbors!
About the Artists
Carrie Oki Doki’:
Immigrating into your heart, Carrie Oki Doki is a bright cartoon character from the unceded (stolen) land that Vancouver is built on. Named after the joy one feels while singing karaoke, music, art, and queerness make everything oki doki! Carrie’s performances always center joy. From outfits inspired by everyday objects and foods that bring them joy to performing whatever brings joy to her. Her drag is there to put a smile on people’s faces.
Count Caligula von Cupid’s:
The Valentinian vampire king of so-called Vancouver’s vibrant drag scene, Count Caligula von Cupid is a proudly trans non-binary South Korean diaspora artist and fan of all things spooky – Count from Dracula, Caligula after the infamous mad Roman god-emperor, and Cupid the Greco-Roman deity of love. Their performance style blends sentimental longing with high-octane industrial metal, strung together with a whimsical sense of humour and fantastical approach to life.
Learn more about special events and programs at the Family Place HERE