GNH Admin

GNH Admin

Income Tax Clinics

We will be hosting free income tax clinics for the year 2021 only. Who can register? – Seniors and households that have only a modest income and a simple tax situation. How can you register? – You must arrange an…

Food Access Community Survey

What do rising costs of living, a lack of affordable housing, and changes in transportation routes have in common? They all have an impact on food access, and we want to better understand how West End community members have been…

Bullying Can Happen At Any Age

February 23rd is ‘Anti-Bullying Day’ in Canada. On this day many people wear a pink shirt to symbolize taking a stand against bullying and bullying behaviours. This movement originated in Nova Scotia when in 2007 a child was bullied for…

Effective Drug Strategies

Earlier this year we conducted a community survey to find out what neighbours were interested in learning more about when it comes to issues regarding housing and homelessness.  19% of respondents were interested in better understanding and/or advocating for effective…

Homelessness, Stigma, and Solutions

Earlier this year we conducted a community survey to find out what neighbours were interested in learning more about when it comes to issues regarding housing and homelessness.  14% of respondents highlighted a lack of understanding around housing opportunities for…