Category News

News from the Seniors Community Planning Table

It was a full house at last month’s Seniors Community Planning Table – West End Meeting at Gordon Neighbourhood House (GNH), where the following topics were covered: Vancouver Public Space Network Simon Jay, a volunteer with Vancouver Public Space Network…

I love food. And if it’s tasty, all the better!

I love food. And if it’s tasty, all the better! Especially when I cook my own food or know who’s cooking my food – it somehow tastes better. Other than a couple of pasta and Mexican dishes, I don’t know…

Come and celebrate Earth Day with us at our Community Potluck!

Gordon Neighbourhood House’s (GNH) Earth Day Community Potluck, co-hosted by MP Dr. Hedy Fry and MLA Spencer Chandra Herbert, is one of our largest events throughout the year. We anticipate the participation of many of our neighbours, friends, community leaders,…

Call for 2014 Neighbourhood Small Grants Applications

Make the Downtown Peninsula stronger and more engaged! The 2014 Neighbourhood Small Grants program is now open and we’re looking for your applications by Monday, April 7, 2014 at 5pm. The program supports residents like you who have small but powerful ideas…

Community Voices: Responses to the West End Plan

Three months ago, Vancouver City Council approved the West End Community Plan. So has the dust settled? As the City gears up to implement the Plan, it looks like things will be as busy as ever. The West End Community…

Food Scraps Drop Spots: Making Good Use of Good Waste

Maris Pavelson feels good at the end of his shift at Gordon Neighborhood House (GNH), staffing the Food Scraps Drop Spot on Tuesday evenings.  Not only is he helping to reduce the greenhouse gas methane that is created by food…

Seniors Community Planning Table: Spotlight on Housing

Once a month, the Seniors Community Planning Table-West End gathers at Gordon Neighbourhood House (GNH) to exchange information and discuss issues critical to West End seniors. The 2013 sessions wrapped up at a meeting on December 6, which had over…

Breaking Bread and Barriers

This January Gordon Neighborhood House (GNH) is set to launch a pilot program for young adults entitled “Consuming Conversations.”  It’s a unique free youth community kitchen with a big helping of political food activism, around the issue of enough food…

Trashtalk Project Turning to Trash Busting

January 2014 Trashtalk is a project that seeks to engage resident local recycling champions in Multi-unit Residential Buildings (MURBs) to lead food scraps recycling programs in specific condos, apartments and co-ops. In 2015, Metro Vancouver will ban all organic material…

The Neighbourhood Brunch: A Delicious Fundraiser!

The idea for a neighbourhood-style brunch as a fundraising event for Gordon Neighbourhood House (GNH) first took hold last summer. In conversations between Paul Taylor, Executive Director at GNH, and Michel Nadeau, co-owner, along with Tod Berezowski, of MN events,…

Food for Thought: Highlights from the West End Food Festival

The West End Food Festival recently marked an important milestone on Vancouver’s community calendar. Over four days in early October, this inaugural event celebrated and explored sustainable food culture in the West End. And at its heart was the partnership…

West End Food Festival – Building Community Through Food

With colder weather approaching, access to fresh and healthy food will be an increasing concern for many of our neighbours. In order to raise awareness around the importance of food on the social fabric of our community, Gordon Neighbourhood House…

Hungry for a Welfare Raise

Raise the Rates is inviting the people of British Columbia to spend a week living only on the food they can buy for $26. This is the amount of money a single, able-bodied person on welfare has for food. Victoria…

Back to School: The King George Gay-Straight Alliance

It may come as a surprise that King George high school, just a stone’s throw from the vibrant Davie Gay Village, was without a Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) at the beginning of the 2012/2013 school year. “I was shocked,” says…

Introducing Our New Executive Director, Paul Michael Taylor

Gordon Neighbourhood House, located in the heart of Vancouver’s West End, is currently going through a period of renewal. From technological infrastructure to physical space, this process will assist in helping Gordon Neighbourhood House (GNH) continue to thrive in the…