Category Our Programs

Cultivating Respect: Growing Tobacco Leaves to Honour Indigenous Knowledge Keepers

Amid the kale, tomatoes, and flowers flourishing in Gordon Neighbourhood House’s community gardens this summer, something truly special took root. Volunteers cultivated tobacco leaves—a crop of deep cultural and spiritual significance, traditionally offered to honour Indigenous Knowledge Keepers—adding a meaningful…

March 2024 Community Lunch Menu

Everyone is invited to lunch at Gordon Neighbourhood House! Our lunches are a great place where neighbours can enjoy a meal together, meet new people, and catch up with friends in a casual environment. Lunches are served on Mondays and…

Cool Kits

Most Canadians aren’t used to worrying about dangerously hot temperatures, especially in the Pacific Northwest. Heat waves however are becoming increasingly common. The effects of climate change doesn’t just mean we will experience warmer average temperatures, it also causes intense…

Attic Thrift Store Closure

We are deeply sorry to share that GNH’s Attic Thrift Stores will be closed indefinitely. This decision is not made lightly. We recognize the Thrift Store is a community hub that provides essential low-cost goods, books, and clothing to the…

Income Tax Clinics

We will be hosting free income tax clinics for the year 2021 only. Who can register? – Seniors and households that have only a modest income and a simple tax situation. How can you register? – You must arrange an…

Beginners Japanese

Do you love/want to… Watch anime/Japanese drama/Japanese movies? Read manga/Japanese literature? Listen to Japanese music? Eat Japanese food? Make Japanese friends? Travel to Japan? If you responded “yes” to any of these questions, I encourage you to enroll in my…

UBC ‘How to Grow’ Workshop Series

Link to bonus wonder appie recipe video on Youtube Whimsy Appetizer Ingredients and Materials:- Smashed Avocado – Cream Cheese – Plastic Bag – Jelly (any flavour)- Sesame Seeds – Bowl- Bonus: Raw Salmon to place in between layers

Cooking With UBC Students

During March we teamed up with ‘UBC Reading Week‘ which is an opportunity for students to learn from and share their skills with community organizations. Three students were placed at Gordon Neighbourhood House where they planned and hosted a vegetarian…