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Fall 2020 COVID-19 Update

This summer, we have been delighted to begin welcoming members back to Gordon House — albeit in small, masked-up, outdoor gatherings. We’ve missed you! And…

Different Methods to Vote

No matter which method you choose to vote, you’ll need to prove your identity and address. Keep reading, or visit Elections Canada for the full list of…

West End Votes—Candidate Profile: Hedy Fry

Hedy FryLiberal Party of Canadawww.HedyFry.Liberal.cainfo@hedyfry.com(604) 566-3343Social Media:  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Instagram  |  TikTok Question 1: Housing Affordability Approximately 80% of West End residents currently rent…

Different Methods to Vote

There are many ways to cast your ballot in the 2021 federal election. Listed below are all the different methods to make your voice heard…

Beginners Japanese

Do you love/want to… Watch anime/Japanese drama/Japanese movies? Read manga/Japanese literature? Listen to Japanese music? Eat Japanese food? Make Japanese friends? Travel to Japan? If…

National Indigenous Peoples Day

National Indigenous Peoples Day occurs each year on June 21st. The Indigenous people of Canada include First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Peoples. Gordon Neighbourhood House…

Eid Mubarak!

The religious holiday of Eid al-Fitr, the “Festival of Breaking Fast,” is also known as Lesser Eid or simply Eid. The festival can last one…

Mental Health Week 2021

Mental Health Week (May 3-9th, 2021)  The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) is marking its 69th annual Mental Health Week between May 3rd to May…

Cooking With UBC Students

During March we teamed up with ‘UBC Reading Week‘ which is an opportunity for students to learn from and share their skills with community organizations.…